I'm starting this blog on cultural interactions between East and West, in French and English, to open it up to a wider community and allow interaction with more of the richness brought by very varied points of view.

When we talk about cultural studies, we're dealing with a subject at the crossroads of multiple fields. On the one hand, around human interaction and thought, ethnology, cultural anthropology, sociology and philosophy, and on the other, around man's creations and knowledge, techniques, arts, literature, languages and traditions.

Given the multi-disciplinary nature of cultural interactions and the fact that I'm not an expert, for this blog I'm relying on the work carried out by researchers in the cultural studies research stream, to confirm that my analytical work is in line with the ideas and concepts of the experts, and to clear up any doubts that may arise.

In this blog on cultural interactions, I don't directly address and study the theme of human thought on questions of sociology, philosophy or religion, but indirectly through the study of the more concrete aspects of the elements of cultures. I have thus chosen not to tackle the part dealing with human interactions and thoughts, as these are accompanied by the phenomenon of acculturation; this allows me to concentrate on the different levels of cultural transfer that I name below:

  • ADOPTION : the passage of a cultural object from one context to another without transformation.
  • APPROPRIATION: adoption with improvement or adaptation to local tastes, habits and traditions.
  • RECONTEXTUALIZATION: the passage of a cultural object with a change in its role or context, this recontextualization can only be fully recognized by taking into account the historical vectors of the passage.
  • INFLUENCE AND INSPIRATION: these are ideas and elements from another culture that have an impact on artistic creation, with the artist drawing on these "novelties" to be guided and express his or her own intuition.


Let's discover together what connects and transforms us. I therefore invite you to dive in with me into the gallery of articles below by selecting the images.


We welcome your comments and suggestions for the exploration of new horizons.